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Introducing S/AJAX

Posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 4:31pm (PST)

B3 IIS S/AJAX logo

B3 IIS S/AJAX logo

JANUARY 13, 2009 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (WASHINGTON, DC) - B3 IIS is proud to announce the next generation of web-enabled technologies to expand your online experience "wherever you wanna take it (TM)." Introducing S/AJAX (C) - the Synchronus/Asynchronus Javascript and XML algorithm that will raise your web experience to a whole new level. Built on a solid foundation of interoperable technologies, S/AJAX supercharges your web pages and boosts overall user satisfaction!

S/AJAX is an open-source upgrade that provides real-time client/server negotiation with dynamic temporal multiplexing. The key behind S/AJAX is its Predictive State-Awareness (C) that allows seamless online content browser composition. Replace your XMLHttpRequests with SXMLHttpRequests and enjoy the benefits of synchronicity. Combining S/AJAX with a broadband connection provides the highest-possible fidelity, a user-transparent synthesis that almost assures you are "in the moment of your content (TM)."

Upgrading is easy! S/AJAX is backwards compatible with all Web 2.0 technologies.

Upgrading readies you for the future! S/AJAX is built to work on both IPv4 and IPv6 backbones, seizing the advantages inherent to each.

Upgrading means success! So upgrade to S/AJAX today - be the first to showcase your next generation web application. S/AJAX will go with you... "wherever you wanna take it (TM)."

S/AJAX Copyright 2009 by B3 IIS, a partially owned subsidiary of danxner.com All trademarks and copyrights are property of danxner.com. Use in toto or in parte without authorization is expressly forbidden. All rights reserved.

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Keywords: college; technology; parody

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